Cyclists of all ages and abilities are invited to join us Saturday morning, November 16 to help restock the Massillon-area Salvation Army food bank in time for the holidays! The event format is pretty simple: We will meet at the Blue Heron Deli (next to Ernie's) at 9:30am to register, go over event info, distribute maps and lists of items to purchase, and enjoy free coffee and donuts to fuel up for the ride. At 10:00am, riders will depart for area stores where they will purchase basic food and hygiene items to restock the pantry. We then will all meet back around noon to collect the items, total the amount raised, and take a group photo before heading home. There is no cost to participate and no minimum number of items to purchase. (A typical rider might collect $15-$20 worth of supplies to donate.) Really, the only requirement is that you carry everything by bike! Questions? Please use the Discussion tab for this event, or contact Chuck Bahl via the Send Message button, above.Stark Co, OH
Location Name:
Ernie's Bike Shop (Massillon)
135 Lake Avenue Northwest, Massillon, Ohio 44647, United States 44646