Greensboro, NC

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Contact Information
Event date: November 16, 2024
Organizer(s): Nuala Ingram
Location Name: Revolution Cycles
1907 Spring Garden Street, Greensboro, North Carolina 27403, United States 27403

Cranksgiving is...part bike ride, part food drive, part scavenger hunt, and all party. Participants will "race" to local stores and purchase items needed by Greensboro Urban Ministry.Upon returning with these items to the bike shop, we'll Friendsgiving it up!
*Interested?* Meet at REVOLUTION CYCLES NC at 3pm to head out soon after!
Don't forget your:
*Bike (can't bike? use your legs and walk or run!)
*Bag (to carry all of your donation items)
*Lock (to lock that pretty bike up while you're shopping)
*Money (to buy your donation items)
*Heart (no tin men or grinches)
*Dish to share for Friendsgiving
If you're unsure of this whole ride thing, remember--- this ride is open to all levels, especially if your bike is sitting in the garage gathering dust and rust. Bust it out. Think of this as a great way to figure out how to ride to your local grocery store and as an opportunity to make friends out of strangers. Families are especially welcome to join in the fun.
If you don't ride, you can still join us by walking to a local grocery store. At least two are within walking distance!
Still not sure? Then just bring some damned canned goods to donate and join in the feast!
Post ride we're planning a potluck so bring your best Thanksgiving side dish to share. Or your worst. Or the one you want to make this year, but you're worried will poison everyone. We'll be your guinea pigs. Who knows what will happen after that. Our hearts will be filled with such merriment and mirth that we might even find ourselves dancing.
Any questions? Just ask!
Cranksgiving is a national event that occurs in nearly 100 cities across the United States. Visit for more information