This is our fourth year for cranksgiving. This event will be on on November 10th - at 10am at Eat Sprout in the parking lot on the corner. We will do this in teams if you don’t have a team we will have one for you. We will visit target, Harris teeter, Weis Market, Plaza Latino and acme in picking up groceries with your cost being between $15 to $20 in helping the local food bank of ST. Vincent. bring a bike bag, a bike basket, backpack and have fun getting your list of food items. food items Salt and pepper vegetable oil box of sugar cake or cookie mix cans of frosting dish washer soap bars of soap laundry detergent box of tea bags mustard, ketchup, Mayo Than lunch at waterfowl email me if going to attend the ride Easton, MD
Location Name:
Eat Sprout 335 north aurora st, easton md 21601 in the parking lot next to the firehouse.
335 North Aurora Street, Easton, Maryland 21601, United States 21601
Contact Information
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chesapeake cycling club c3