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2023 Cranksgiving Bucks County. Photo: Mike Maney
2023 Cranksgiving Bucks County. Photo: Mike Maney
Fred Beans Auto Group Box Truck. Photo: Mike Maney
Event organizer Fran Taloricco. Photo: Mike Maney
Thank you Backyard Beans! Photo: Mike Maney
2023 Cranksgiving Bucks County. Photo: Mike Maney
2023 Cranksgiving Bucks County. Photo: Mike Maney2023 Cranksgiving Bucks County. Photo: Mike ManeyFred Beans Auto Group Box Truck. Photo: Mike ManeyEvent organizer Fran Taloricco. Photo: Mike ManeyThank you Backyard Beans! Photo: Mike Maney2023 Cranksgiving Bucks County. Photo: Mike Maney
Contact Information
Event date: November 3, 2024
Phone: 215-340-7746
Organizer(s): Fran Taloricco
Location Name: Central Bucks West High School, Doylestown, PA
375 West Court Street, Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901, United States 18901

Cranksgiving is a food drive on two wheels. Registration is FREE, but you'll need $25-$100 to purchase food. Our version of the event includes a 28-mile, self-guided route that visits three local grocery stores. Day of registration begins at 9 AM (ride at 10 AM) at the Central Bucks West High School student/faculty parking lot (375 W. Court St., Doylestown, PA 18901). Donations will support the Bucks County Housing Group food pantries. Once you've collected non-perishable grocery items, you load them into a box truck provided by our friends at Fred Bean Auto Group. Cranksgiving is a national event occurring in over 100 cities across the United States and Canada. Thank you to our friends with Backyard Beans Coffee Company for providing pre-ride-go juice. Join us afterward for a complimentary lunch from Altomante's Italian Market.