Yes, it has gotten chilly out there and that must mean it's time for Cranksgiving!, our annual do-gooder ride.
Looking forward to seeing you there, let's hope for a nice day!Denver, CO
For those who don't know, Cranksgiving is a scavenger hunt style grocery trip for local food banks. We will gather at Ratio for a beer, form groups and at the last minute I will give you a list of stores and items to buy (nothing too expensive, plan on spending $20 or so), then groups form a strategy and the free for all begins. Because we are Pedals and Pints, our version of Cranksgiving also includes a stop at Spangalang. There are prizes! We will finish somewhere where we can get something to eat and distribute fabulous prizes.
New Details!
We will finish this year at 10 Barrel (2620 Walnut. 3 blocks from Ratio) They have food and a nice big space to gather in.
I am not going to do the donation boxes around town but if you can't make it to the ride a great way to help is to donate directly to Food Bank of the Rockies
Ratio Beerworks
2920 Larimer Street, Denver, Colorado 80205, United States 80205