Good evening all, Tis that time of year again! Racing/riding our bikes to have fun and do something good for our community. Here is the ad copy for Cranksgiving below. Can I have lots of RSVP's and can you help me spread the word by posting Cranksgiving XIII anywhere fellow riders may see it. There will be manifest and maps, take home spoke cards and goodies from J and Stacy to say thanks for playing!! Thank you all for considering to come out and playing. Details are below! About Cranksgiving. “A charity race for freedom from want”. Saturday November 23rd @ 12:30-4:30! Need more incentive? More information? This is the thirteenth Albany Cranksgiving (obviously with the XIII). So, even more the reason to make it out this weekend! This “event” 100% DIRECTLY benefits the South End Cafe making sure no kid goes without a healthy meal. This year we are going Family Friendly. Since this is Lucky number 13, we are changing it up a bit this year! This will be a daytime ride and we will some fun stuff for the kids to do while the riders race around Albany collecting food! How does it work? You meet other like minded cyclists that want to give back & help the community. You get a manifest (a small shopping list). Every cyclist gets a different manifest. Some will be riding to the same grocery store, but for different items. You lock your bike. Find and purchase the items from the list. Then ride to the next store for other items on your manifest (keep your receipts so we know you didn’t do a one-stop-shop). And even if you do – your UCI license will not get pulled! Continue this until thoroughly cooked! Think of it as speed-grocery-shopping by bike. Some people ride fast, and can’t shop. Or get stuck behind a dozen people buying cases of beer (my excuse for being slow). Point being, there’s no points. There’s only one winner, and that’s the people South End Cafe helps. That warm feeling you get as you’re loading a volunteer’s car full of food? That’s second place, which means you still podium-ed! YEAH YOU! Your mom will be proud! And you can tell her you made new friends too! And your non-riding significant other won’t be mad, because you’re helping others, even though you’re out “riding around”. Awesome! “How can I play?!” Easy, meet at the South End Childrens Café 25 Warren St Albany NY at 12:15pm. Manifests will be handed out. Depart at 12:30pm. IT’S FREE! But you’ll be purchasing about $15 of groceries. Plus any money for food and drinks afterwards – you did burn some calories! It should last about two hours, so check with your parents on the curfew thing, AND DRESS WARM! Remember what mom says about fingers & toes & your head. What else? Your bike (obviously). $15 in cash or plastic. A bag/backpack to carry everything. A lock, unless you like walking back with bags of groceries. Lights/blinkies, helmet, and COMMON SENSE are ALWAYS recommended. And a caring attitude and a sense of fun help. No UCI officials. No entry fee. You can have bar ends. Any tire width is legal. No governing body. We’re gonna ride bikes and feed people, and have fun doing it! Need more incentive? 1. Buy more than what’s on your manifest & impress everyone with your hauling abilities…. 2. Show up late, and still beat people with a 15-20 minute lead… seems to happen each year. 3. Hope that J and Stacy show up with a big bag of goodies, and you ride home with something you didn’t realize you wanted (bonus!). Goodies guaranteed! 4. Super cool spoke card to give your bike that extra flair! 5. Finish a good night of riding with some hot pizza & a well deserved beverage. 6. Do something new! Easy enough. Pre-registration via email to J woz at Be well.Albany, NY is encouraged for planning purposes. Please, please? Help me make a better guess at how many of these spoke cards I gotta make.
Contact Information
Event date:
November 23, 2019
Jay and Stacy Woz
Location Name:
Albany South End Cafe. 25 Warren St Albany NY.
25 Warren St Albany NY 12202